Thursday, February 28, 2008

Subliminal Method for losing weight and stay that way


The Subliminal Body Sculpting System works on the same priniciple some advertisers use to put across veiled messages into your subconscious. Because your subconscious mind is the place where all life-changing decisions take root. Whereas your outer mind is the tool you use daily to handle your life. One can say that your inner mind is 'what you are' and your outer mind is 'what you do'.

Thus for any substantial change to take place in yourself like motivating yourself to lose weight and make the related changes in your food habits and lifestyle preferences, your inner mind needs to be educated. How?

This is where the Subliminal Body Sculpting System has evolved a unique software which just sits on your computer and keeps sending subliminal messages which do not so much as hits your conscious mind but impinges onto your inner subconscious mind and a repeated bombardment of uplifting and lifestyle changing thoughts surely changes your attitudes. Because as you know and would have realized by now in your half-hearted attempts to kick your unhealthy eating habits, changing attitudes is the most difficult thing.

The positive affirmations that are sent to your sub-conscious are simply statements of intent, such as...

  • I enjoy exercising

  • I am full of energy

  • I eat only healthy, low fat foods

  • I stay positive and focused all day long

Due to the speed at which they're delivered onto your computer screen, your conscious mind will merely be aware of a slight flicker. Your eyes will not see the actual messages but your sub-conscious mind, which is responsible for changing your habits, will see the messages and instruct your conscious mind to act on them. You've often heard people say, "it's all in the mind". Well it is!

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